b'ENGAGEMENT3. Making HR, More HUMAN of-mouth exponentially. Sure, the company can tell its Human Resources are an integral part of any organi- story and share pictures, but employee postings get 561% more engagement than when the same message zation, but in many cases, they have come to be seenis shared by the organization.as a necessary evil with rigid rules and a lot of thinking INSIDE the box. But the truth is HR is about PEOPLE,Your employees have many more followers than the who are the greatest asset to the organization, andorganization as a whole does, and their message has they need to be treated as such. a powerful impact. If they love where they work and they share it with their networks, the message goes Empathy is an important ingredient in a people-cen- even further. And its not just their friends and connec-tric culture, and it should be practiced and extendedtions; according to a 2017 study, 41% of job seekers throughout every department, including (and mostrate employee reviews higher than any other source.importantly!) in HR. When employees feel like theA few things to keep in mind before choosing and organization sees them as an individual with uniquedeploying ambassadors, though. First, they need to needs and ideas and really listens to them, they willbe well-versed well-versed in the companys core retain and attract top performers. If they are seen as avalues and live them every day. Make sure that every number being forced into an image cultivated withoutemployee knows what you are all about and can tell their input, they wont be as engaged and connected. the story of working there.4. Diversity-Equity-Inclusion- Brand ambassadors should come from all levels and areas of the organization, not just leaders. And it Belonging (DEIB) should be authentic; look for those people who nat-We live in a diverse world with ever-increasing globalurally and organically live the companys mission and connectivity, and organizations are finely tuned in tovalues and ask them if they would like to help spread building a workforce to match. It has been proven thatthe word!organizations with a diverse workforce are more cre-ative and innovative and even experience increased6. Opportunities to Grow Their results. But this is no easy taskhow can you createCareera diverse organization where everyone is treated in a way that makes them feel included and that they areThe modern organization is a learning organization in the right place? where people learn, grow, and thrive in their careers. It begins with ensuring that the company is recruitingThese expectations permeate the entire organization, in a way that attracts diverse candidates and focusesfrom the newest associate all the way to the C-Suite. on their talents necessary for success in the job. UsingGrowing ones career is not just learning skills and fulfilling compliance related to their current position; talent-based assessments and working with organi- learning should be aimed at the whole person, offering zations in the community can help showcase whatthem ways to grow personally and professionally.you offer to diverse groups of people. Additionally, be sure to create an environment where people canMake career path planning a part of conversations showcase and share their uniqueness; psychologically,with employees and be sure they are active partici-safety goes a long way and is an important ingredientpants in their plan. The younger generations specifi-to D-E-I-B. cally want to be active architects in their future, and involving them in the process will be highly motivating 5. Create Employee Brandand increase engagement.Ambassadors Learning and development opportunities should be ongoing, and accomplishments should be fully rec-Your people are your biggest asset, and they can alsoognized and celebrated. Recognition and reward help build your company and improve engagement.show appreciation for the hard work and dedication Social media is all around us, and it has amplified word- employees give, which in turn keeps engagement high!132 Employee Engagement Trends for 2023'