b'ENGAGEMENT STRAIGHT FROM THE expertsEmployee Engagement Trends for 2023By Stephanie StollDirector of Learning and Development, The Center for Sales StrategyE mployee engagement is at the top of many orga- 2. Flexibility in Time and Locationnizations lists as they look to fill open positions and retain top performers. To create a cultureOver the past few years, the importance of work-life of engagement, continuous learning, and satisfiedbalance has risen on employee priority lists. During employees, we offer you some of our top Employeethe pandemic, it became very clear that not every job Engagement trends for 2023. requires employees to be in a physical office every day. Fears that productivity may decline with a remote 1. People-Centric Cultureworkforce were proven wrong as organizations every-Having a people-centric culture is no longer a nice-to- where were able to continue their work in a productive have benefit for employees; it is an important factorand efficient manner.when retaining and recruiting highly talented employ- Offering flexible work hours, locations, and updated ees. Organizations, both new and established, arepolicies will go a long way with employees.working to ensure they have the right culture and thatConsider these statistics from FlexJob: 75% of work-it is seen and felt throughout. Every organization has its own unique culture, whether you are intentional abouters said they experience greater productivity at home. it or not, but now more than ever, it is important to takeThey said they encounter fewer distractions (74%), less the time to cultivate and nurture a positive culture. stress from commuting (71%), and fewer office politics Cultures must be embraced and communicated by(65%).leaders at every level of the organization, and eachA culture grounded in trust is a big part of flexible work employee should feel that they are valued and treatedarrangements, but a bonuswhen people feel trusted, with respect. they will be more engaged!130 Employee Engagement Trends for 2023'