b'RECRUITMENT STR AIGHT FROM THE expertsRecruitment is all about finding and attracting the right employees to your companythe ones with both the talents and the fit that you need. The more you focus on recruitment and building a strong Talent Bank, the more options you will have when it is time for selection. If you dont have that Talent Bank in place when a job comes open, your standards will drop as you scramble to quickly plug the hole.Be on a never-ending search for talent! The very best people are not looking and are probably not even immediately available. You must cast your net far and wide, talking to talent anywhere, everywhere, anytime, and every time. Take an interest in talent and they will take an interest in you.Case Study: Finding Talent You CanRetention is the New RecruitmentBank Onby Matt Sunshineby Susan McCullinUnique Ways to Create a Strong Case Study: How One MarketCandidate Experience Refined Their Recruitment Game by Beth Sunshineby Alina McComasA Quick Guide to Acquiring Top 5 Crazy Ways to Recruit Talentby Trey Morris by Kate Rehling Job Seekers are Judging your Company Culture by Deborah Fulghum 32 Straight From the Experts'