b'RECRUITMENTon their work style and performance. Weve also usedAs far as my process, after they have completed the LinkedIn for job posts, both paid and organic. We hav- STA, I try to be very responsive. I give them my cell ent seen one work significantly better than the other,number and let them know whats going on in the hiring so we continue to use them both.process along the way. I want to keep them engaged Joe: LinkedIn has been successful. We will post theand communicate with them so they stay interested. position, then humanize it. We keep it short andChristy: I dont keep a posting up all the time, but I sweet, but tailor it based on who we are trying todo post often. I will put it up, then take it down and attract. If we need someone to focus on new business,refresh the post by making adjustments to it. That we will highlight that, rather than just generic respon- way it feels like its a new position. Again, I will use my sibilities. Ill also adjust the post based on the locationnetwork and talk to top clients that I trust and ask who we are recruiting from. If we are recruiting from inthey know that they would recommend.the market, we talk about the station and what wereI am really looking for quality of candidates versus building as a team. If we are recruiting from outsidequantity of candidates. I want to be known as the of the market, we talk about Jacksonville Beach, whyteam that people in the market want to be on. I like you consider us, and the market specifically.to interview, talk, and have conversations on a weekly Once that person applies, as Charles mentioned, it isbasis that lead to someone applying. then looking for connections in common to get their impression of the candidate. And obviously, once theyDo any of you have personal or group apply, we have them take the STA right away. We look forgoals on how many people you want to Talent and then move to see if they will fit with the team.add to your Talent Bank each month or Christy: Recruiting has been more challenging overquarter? Do you use something to keep the last 10 yearswhether Im looking for someoneyou on track with continually adding with experience or not. I start with my networkspe- people to your Talent Bank? cifically with people that Ive hired in the past andJoe: Those goals can fluctuate based on the number people who have worked for me in the past. I reallyof positions we have open. While were always look-try to leverage those relationships to find people theying to add our Talent Bank, if we have one available think I should reach out to. opening versus three or four, the urgency to add more Give me an overview of your process.people to our bank will change. How often are you looking forChristy: I like to keep it steady. I dont want to rush candidates to join your team?to fill a position. My focus is more on the quality of candidates coming into my Talent Bank and those Charles: We always have a position posted, whether wethat I bring on my team. I want to make sure that I need to fill multiple positions or none at all. We alwaysam confident about the person and the talent of that have it posted because we always want to talk to goodindividual before I bring them on to the team. talent. Our philosophy is that we are always looking forCharles: You are right Christy, it is about being patient the right talent and the right fit. When we find someonefor the right talent. It is worth it to have the right talented, we try to hire them whether we have a list orperson in the job rather than just filling the job. not. We obviously will need to figure out compensation, but we never want to lose out on a talented seller.What tools do you use to determine the Joe: Always networking, even when youre not look- type of person you want to join your ing. I always have a rolodex of people Ive talked toteam before or during the recruitment with various levels of experience and those who areprocess? You have mentioned the STA, open to a potential move to the market. When some- but what else? thing does come available, we can talk to those candi-dates who are a close match for what we need.Joe: Before we bring anyone on to the team, we do a How One Market Refined Their Recruitment Game39'