b'RECRUITMENTSUPERSTAR STUDYBy Mindy MurphySenior Talent Analyst and Culture Coach, The Center for Sales Strategy and Up Your CultureAnd Kelly GeorgeTalent Analyst and Engagement Specialist, The Center for Sales Strategy and Up Your CultureW elearnedagreatSales Superstar Studyways leaders found superstars over dealfromthe2022EachyeartheCSSTalentTeamthe past eight years. Sales Superstar Studyconducts the Sales Superstar Study includingtheimportanceofThe biggest building a recruitment strategy andto understand the ways in which our scheduling recruitment activities onclients are having the most successtakeaways this year:your calendar each week. Accordingin finding top talent. We ask leadersLeaderswhohavethemost to a ManpowerGroup survey, talentif they hired top performers in thesuccess in hiring superstars use shortages are at a ten-year high,previous year and if so, how theymultiple recruitment methods. with 69% of employers strugglingfound them. Our goal is to identify to fill positions, up from just 14%recruitment trends and uncover theReferrals top the list once again in 2010. Recruiting and hiring topmost common ways managers arefor the most common ways to talentcanbechallenging,butfinding superstars.find sales superstars. getting creative with recruiting andWe are breaking down the data inHiring managers had success asking for referrals, using LinkedIn,three ways this yeartop ways tofinding superstar sellers using and improving job descriptions andfind superstar sellers in 2022, topjob boards such as Indeed and ad copy can help boost your Talentways to find superstar sales manag- ZipRecruiter more so than in Bank numbers.ers in 2022, and the most commonthe past. This recruiting method 26 Superstar Study'