b'RECRUITMENT6. Conduct a First-Rate Interview Todays talent landscape is one Even if they are wrong for the role, you want every jobof the most competitive in recent candidate to leave your interview with positive feelings about your company. history, and your job candidates Treat them as you would your best customers. are at the heart of it all.Make sure you give them your full attention by remov-ing all distractions and making good eye contact.Feel free to take notes to capture key points but alwaysstay in touch, send them interesting articles or company let them know you will be doing that. updates, and nurture that relationship for the future.Also, make sure its a two-way discovery process by encouraging and answering all their questions. 9. Give Quality FeedbackFinally, always leave them with a clear understandingHelp every job candidate you dont hire achieve greater of where you are in the interview process, your nextsuccess in future interviews. Provide them with spe-steps, anything they should do, and an idea of whencific feedback on what you especially liked about their they will hear from you. application, resume, social media profiles, and job interviews, and then share at least one way they could 7. Over-Communicate up improve moving forward.What I mean by that is that no matter how well youThis kind of coaching demonstrates caring and helps communicate, your job candidates would prefer torejected job candidates improve their candidate per-hear more information from you more frequently, soformance. When done well, this can leave a rejected step it up a notch. job candidate with extremely positive feelings about Follow up early and often. your company.Communicate and thank them during every step of the10. Ask Them for Feedback Tooprocess (even if your process has stalled and you have nothing definitive to share). Follow every candidate interview with a candidate experience survey. Learn about their full experience Reply to their thank you and follow-up notes, even ifby having them rate everything from your career site its just a quick sentence or two to let them know youand application process to the live interviews and fol-received it. low-up communication.Pro Tip: Follow the 2-day rule. Let them know as soonAlso, allow for open-ended comments so they can as you decide they are not a contender for the job,share what is on their mind. This will help you make the always in two days or less. necessary improvements to your process and provide 8. Take Pride in Your Talent Bank meaningful metrics.When you cross paths with job candidates who havePro Tip: Respond to every comment and review you a lot to offer, but theyre not right for this job, dontreceive.cut ties. Tell them what you especially like about theirTodays talent landscape is one of the most competitive talents, skills, or experience, let them know they arein recent history, and your job candidates are at the not right for the specific job you are filling right now,heart of it all.and then ask if you can add them to your Talent Bank. Think of these candidates as future employees, refer-Explain that you consider your Talent Bank as the benchral sources, and customers. But most of all, consider you will pull players from in the future to put them in thethem your number one source of marketing and make a game. If they are a strong addition to your Talent Bank,strong plan to create a top-notch candidate experience!Unique Ways to Create a Strong Candidate Experience 51'