b'INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTIONA Letter from the Editor 2023Beth Sunshine Senior Vice President - Talent Services,The Center for Sales Strategy and Up Your CultureThis Talent Magazine was born many years ago out of our passion to provide business leaders like you with what you need to grow your people and your business. All these years later, we are still excited to deliver the most up-to-date facts and trends, cutting-edge strategies, and tactical advice straight from the experts so you can recruit, select, develop, and engage top talent and increase your revenue performance.T his year has been character- At a time when companies aresuccess. We will also reveal the ized by the need for flexibil- grapplingwithunprecedentedmost recent data collected in our ity.workforce challenges, it is moreannual Sales Superstar Study, so Job openings are still near historicimportant than ever to prioritizeyou have insight into where you highs, and the pool of job seekersthe part of the business that is theshould look for your next sales continues to shrink. Companiesheart of the business (your people)superstar. And well provide you have had no choice but to exploreand build a strategic plan to bringwith some unique ways you can a variety of options for where,more talented people on boardcreate a strong candidate experi-when, and how their people canand grow them to reach their fullence. Youll also find some great get work done while still remain- potential. This years Talent Mag- examplesofbusinessleaders azine will delve into the nuanceswho are doing it right and seeing ing competitive.of these topics, providing expertincreased success as a result. Employees have had to be flexibleinsights and practical strategies toNext, we will tackle the concept too. Were on a bumpy economichelp you optimize your practices.of Selecting top talent in a chal-ride, and the shifting business cli- In the Recruitment section, welenging candidate market. We will mate has led to layoffs and changeswill focus on building a strongprovide you with a guide to better in both earnings and spending.Talent Bank so you can fill openunderstand your candidates tal-People have had to adapt, oftenpositionsmorequickly,bringents and how they will likely fit taking on increased job responsi- more talented people on boardinto your role and organization, bilities without increased pay.and set them up for long-termand well share techniques you 4 Introduction'