b'ENGAGEMENTHow did Up Your Culture help with that?The Engagement Elevators, which provided clear Our culture was strong across Cox Media; however,insight into building engagement with our people. there were some areas we needed more focus on, andInclusion of tangible tools they can use that are very Up Your Culture helped us do that with intentional work.applicable. Not just nebulous abstract things. Functional We have seen leaders who were very numbers-orientedand gives them tools they can use, which is valuable! and not people-focused pivot and become the leadersThe engagement survey you use- it is important to we needed them to be. This program has helped a fewquantify and measure it.If you dont measure it, then markets become culture-first environments, which theyit doesnt matter. It would have been a miss if we werent before, so this is very exciting and valuable forwerent able to quantify what we were seeing and our business!then measure success with growth. This was a very This program also helped Cox Media merge those mar- important piece for us. kets and have success with it.They are no longer siloed This program will resonate with every HR person. We they are working together, and I believe that is a result ofwant anything that can help them do their job better. this program. The company could not have had success combining markets without them clearly understandingHow have your leaders grown? their own cultures. Up Your Culture is the real deal. They were all in from the beginning, and their enthu-What else did you hope to get out ofsiasm has grown as they continue to embrace a peo-your participation in the Up Your Cultureple-first culture. In their recent budget presentations, program?I noticed them leading with their core values and then getting into strategy/financials.First, a thought-provoking plan to encourage our teammates to determine their purpose in their indi- Can you share a couple of examples? vidual market. Also, marrying a program that our HR team had started. It was a good marriage of programsIn one market, we have seen a leader rise to the occa-because the concepts were in synch with each other.sion with the program. There was so much friction with their department and with other departments, How has business performance beenand this leader had friction with her team as well. impacted?When the leader of the other department was out on leave, this leader stepped in to lead and care for this Growth, growth, growth! EVERYWHERE! Our marketteam. The development of this leader led to growth leaders are believers now because theyve seen a dif- from both a business and a culture standpoint. ference in their business performance.Another leader wasnt comfortable in the space of What other positive changes have you seen?culture. Once they understood what it was all about, it made sense and is now the blueprint for their market. Leading with purpose and people vs. numbers. The WhyThey moved out of their comfort zone into where they vs. the How. The leaders are now coming to one-on-onesneeded to be to align with a People-First Culture. leading with people and relationship discussions. Every-thing feels differenteven when I go to the marketsitsWhat would you say about this program not all training and tactical. There is a people element.to an organization that was considering it? Can you share a quick list of the thingsIt was pretty much perfect and aligned with our needs. you found especially valuable about thisAll the feedback from our leaders has been wonderful. program?I wish I had this type of structure when I led a market.I Engagement and accountability for our leadership teams.did it on my own and didnt have a road map. Being given a roadmap but being able to customize it to the needs of each It was well-structured and planned. market, like Up Your Culture does, is extremely valuable. Increased Engagement - Cox Media127'