b'RECRUITMENTRECRUITMENT TO RETENTION SERIES C A S ES T U DY: How One Market Refined Their Recruitment Game By Alina McComasVice President and Senior Consultant, The Center for Sales StrategyIts no secret that recruiting talented salespeople has gotten harder over the last few years, thanks in part to the current job-seeker driven market. Sales leaders consistently list finding talented salespeople to join their team as one of the top challenges they face. As a result, many of us at CSS are frequently asked for recruitment Charles Chunn, VP/Generalrecommendations and guidance. Sales Manager, GrahamI recently sat down with three sales leaders in Jack-Media Group Jacksonville sonville, FL who participated in our Recruitment to Retention Series to discuss their best practices in finding talented salespeople. I wanted to know their takeaways from the series, how they currently recruit, and what advice they could offer as theyve recently added a few talented salespeople to their team.Christy Lendry, Local SalesThe Recruitment to Retention Series Manager, Graham Mediahighlighted several strategies to find Group Jacksonville top talent. Tell me a little bit about your current strategy to find top sales talent. Are there specific sources youre using to find candidates? Charles: LinkedIn is the place I go to first to search for candidates we want to add to our talent bank, but I Joe Logan, Local Salesalso use it to do my due diligence on potential candi-Manager, Graham Mediadates. I check if we have connections in common that Group Jacksonville I can reach out to in order to gather more information 38 How One Market Refined Their Recruitment Game'