b'RECRUITMENTOmesh: Our best recruiters are our current group ofinterview in a ballcap. Gents, show up to an interview employees in sales & traffic. Our mantra is We Com- with a suit and tie. Save the polo shirt for the client pete with our Products but Win with our People. Withgolf outing, AFTER you get the gig. To me, its about that in mind, the most important thing is continuouslytheir mindset, how they approach this important building a strong culture. When any new candidatesappointment, and their level of preparation. If theyre come in, our team meets with them and gets to asknot prepared for an interview, how are they going to any questions peer to peer. In addition, we always doprepare for a future client? an excellent job of continuously meeting with peopleAnd ultimately, I question myself, Would I buy from throughout the year.this person? Why or why not? Also, I ask After What type of preparation do you doeverything you (the candidate) and I have discussed, what do you think my biggest need is? How can you prior to posting a new position? Anyhelp me solve it? It lets me know if they have been tools or tactics you would recommend?curiously listening or just nodding their head. Bonus Ben: I always develop and review the Job Analysispoints for candidates who ask questions to clarify the and Spec Sheet for each specific position. To do that,need or expectations or inject insights during the con-I work backward by asking myself: What is my endversation. goal? I use my answer to write up the ideal specs thatOmesh: We discuss scenarios of past success and I feel will fulfill the role. Start with the end result, first.what makes someone successful. We always want Omesh: To attract the right candidates when postingto know if a candidate is coachable. Do they have a a new position, we work together as a team to deter- strong appetite to learn? Are they a team player? Its mine the specific roll the Account Executive will bealso important to know how they deal with difficult fulfilling. From there, we make sure the job descrip- situations. What was the issue, how did they deal with tion is a complete blueprint on expectations comingit, and what was the outcome? We always ask those aboard.types of questions. What is most important to you whenHow do you make the determination youre talking with a candidate?that a candidate is going to be offered a position? Do you make that decision Ben: Talent and fit. Before you start falling in love withon your own? a candidate due to their list of experience, awards, and accomplishments, look at the candidates talentBen: Including others is best. The feedback I get from assessment. Even with a glowing interview or trophiesemployees who interact with the candidate during in their Zoom background, there are no exceptionsthe various touches in the interview process make a when it comes to talent assessments. If you movehuge difference. What does my PD think of this poten-forward with a Not Recommended, youre only hurt- tial GSM candidate? That marriage needs to work. Is ing yourself, and indirectly that candidate. Youre notmy top AE comfortable with this GSM candidate? Did setting either party up for long-term, sustainable suc- the candidate gain any traction or demonstrate any-cess.thing that built credibility with the AE? Its neither the For fit, I ask myself, can the candidate carry a simplePD or the AEs final decision, but at the same time, its conversation? Do they show up with a pen and paper?a crucial part of the process. Do they have good C.N.A. questions for me? (Ques- Omesh: We all come together as a management team tions regarding vacation time and benefits dontand come to a consensus on everyone we hire. We count. High correlation between people who askalways ask if this person will build upon and thrive in these two questions and also who do not have aour culture. I pinch myself every day because of the pen/paper. Lack of prep.) How are they dressed forresolute team we have here, especially our manage-the interview? While everyday attire has certainlyment team. With the support of our entire leadership gotten a little more relaxed, dont show up on a videoteam, were building something special here. I grew Finding Talent You Can Bank On35'