b'SELECTIONTalent is only a strength if the fit is right. Fit isnt mea- and desired skills and experiences, ask yourself if sured through a validated assessment, though. Fit isyoure willing to provide the training necessary to fill measured through skills, experience, intuition andin any gaps. And again, evaluate if training surround-interactions. Here are five ways you can determineing those items is something youll truly make time fit when hiring:for. 1. Yourself4. Work Model As a manager, youre the most important variableCandidates are being selective about their work in whether a prospective hire will be a good fit. Youmodel. If youre fully back in the office, hiring some-have unique needs, strengths, non-strengths, styles,one who desires a hybrid model wont be the right and expectations. All of those pieces add up to yourfit. If youre in a hybrid or remote model now, but distinct managerial style and each piece can impactyou know youll be transitioning back into the office the growth of your new hire. Imagine a candidatesoon, be transparent with you candidate about whats has soft discipline. They may not always plan theircoming down the line. Bringing someone on board is day in advance, be organized, or pay close attentiona large investment. Dont waste money and time on to detail. As a manager, will that drive you nuts? Orsomeone whose ideal work model wont align with are you comfortable double checking the details andyour organization. supporting someones organization? And in the busi-ness of your workplace, is this something you will trulyIf your new hire wont be reporting to the office make time for?every day, evaluate their level of trust and integrity throughout the interview process. Do they always do 2. The Teamwhat they say theyre going to do and admit to mis-Consider the strengths and weaknesses of your team.takes? Whats a specific example they can share? The When you bring someone on board, some strengthsanswers to those questions will tell you, as a manager, are complimentary to weaknesses, while others canwill you ever need to wonder what exactly it is theyre be abrasive. Conducting a team composite can helpdoing at 2:00 pm on any given day? you plan ahead by identifying your teams strengths and areas of opportunity. For example, if your team5. Culture is full of competitors, someone with low competitionReflect on your companys core values and gain an may be overwhelmed by the competitive spirit of yourunderstanding of your candidates personal values. team and wont enjoy seeing how they stack up toDoes your candidate have innate beliefs and behav-others performance.iors that are naturally aligned with your companys? Outside of talent, think about the camaraderie of yourWill they interact with their coworkers, prospects, team. Is it a very close-knit group? Your team mayand clients in a way that meets and exceeds your want (and need) to evaluate how a candidate will fitexpectations? Every person you bring on board will in. Give your candidate a chance to spend time witheither add to or detract from your culture. Ensure you someone in the field or create a peer interview panel.bring someone on board who will positively contrib-Allow your team members the opportunity to deter- ute to your culture and refuse to make exceptions. mine fit as well.Throughout the hiring process, its important to 3. Skills and Experiencealways remember the Growth Formula: (Talent + Fit) x Investment = Growth. Both talent AND fit play a large Look back at your job description and make surerole in someones potential success. One without the youve identified your must-have skills and experi- other simply wont do. ences, vs. your desired skills and experiences. A Job Analysis and Specification Sheet can help you with this process. Once youve identified your must-have How to Determine Fit When Hiring 73'