b'RECRUITMENTon and respond to comments of those who pique your interest as potential candidates. Get-ting the conversation started casually will help break the ice and give people the opportu-nity to explore your LinkedIn page as well. 2. Getthewordout:Adda hiring banner to your profile picture. 3. Featurecompanyblogs:If your company has an active blog, share posts from your companythathelpothers understandthecultureand valueofyourorganization. You can also share blogs from other companies and include a thought-provoking question at the top of your post to pro-mote interaction. 4. Check on your brand: Take the time to find out what your current employer brand looks like. Find out what people think of your company and ensure itmatcheswhoyoureally are. According to LinkedIn and CareerArc,companiesthat invest in employer branding are 3x more likely to make better hires and 75% of job seekers consider the reputation of a company before applying and refuse to take the next step if the reputation isnt strong. Your companys LinkedIn page allows you to showcase your companys culture, values, and career opportunities to poten-tial candidates. 5. Useadvancedsearchfea-tures: Search for candidates usingLinkedInsadvanced search feature which allows youtosearchforpotential Superstar Study 29'