b'DEVELOPMENTTHE FACTS YOU NEED ONDEVELOPMENT Continue the conversation!We make time if it matters. 54% of salespeople report that their manager50% of employees report they do not have talks with them about their talents often.time to devote to training. Pull back Game changer! 90% of employees are more productive when their e-learning the curtain!includes gamification and active participation.Sharing information with employees about the companysHow you doin?Focus on performance andWhile 55% of peoplestregnths! projections preventsreceive meaningful speculation, lowersperformance feedbackStrength-based learning anxiety, increasesdaily or weekly, morecan result in up to 23 ownership andthan 1 in 4 onlypercent higher employee trust, elevatesreceive meaningfulengagement, 18 percent engagement, andfeedback 4 times ahigher performance, and 73 impacts the bottomyear or less. percent lower attrition. line. (Artificially) Intelligent onboardingIs that clear?Using chatbots during onboarding increases learning44% of employees and 27% of and limits miscommunications, and AI can measuremanagers do not have strong employee sentiment to ensure onboarding is onclarity on the expectations their track.company has of them this year. Sources: Employee Training Statistics, HR Executive, Job Seeker Nation, Cursum.com, Glassdoor, Amazon and Workplace Intelligence Study, LinkedIn, Korn Ferry, 2022 Media Sales Report, Zavvy, McKinsey, Engage 2023The Facts You Need on Development 83'