b'1. AnnounceThe way in which you announce a new hire to your exist-ing team and set the stage for their arrival sets the tone for their entrance on your team. Send a group email with your new hires name, interesting facts about them, and why they are a valuable addition to your team. Encourage the team to read the new hires bio and find something in common and then reach out and welcome the new hire. Deborah Fulghum2. Personalize Engagement Specialist Up Your Culture Each person who will be working closely with your new hire should send a video welcoming them to the team and What we see with employeesharing a few personal details or tips. This allows the new engagement is how importanthire to learn the faces and names of their closest cowork-it is to help people get off toers and makes them feel a part of the team from the be-the proper start with yourginning. Send company merchandise or a welcome basket company, so that they feelto the new hires home and stay in touch via text message they are contributing to theand email, sending motivational messages and sharing the companys success right away.teams excitement to have them join.Recently, this was evident3. Connectin an employee engagement survey we conducted for aHelp your new hire form connections within your company client where we asked aboutby introducing them to the leader of the company or busi-an opportunity to improve.ness unit, encouraging a more in-depth conversation with An employee shared greattheir immediate leader, and giving them an introduction to insight: An area of opportunitythe point person at HR.we have is creating a more4. Communicateformalized onboarding and training process. WhenSend an overview of the onboarding process to your new someone begins a new job,hire along with timelines and expectations. Send out any they are excited to be partpaperworkthatcanfilledoutinadvancealongwitha of a team where they canschedule of their first week.use their talents to make an impact. A strong onboarding5. Prepare for Arrivalplan allows for a clearIf you are working in the office, set up their workspace for timeframe of expectationsthem and make sure they have the technology and office and accomplishments for thesupplies necessary to hit the ground running. If they are first few months in a newworking from home, send out their computer loaded with position, so a new hire feelsthe software they need and who to go to with tech issues, they are contributing from thealong with other equipment and supplies.start. What better way to let someone know that they areOrientationimportant, that they matter,If preboarding has been done well, a new hire will feel ex-than putting a clear plan incited and confident on their first day. Create a First Day place for their success. Plan and a First Week Plan that will immerse them in your 100 Three Phases of Onboarding'