b'It is difficult for an employee to be fully engaged ifCulture Engage 2022 survey shows companies are they dont like or trust their manager. One of themaking good strides. Many already implement an most common ways for a leader to earn trust withemployeecultureandengagementsurvey,con-their people is to follow through on stated commit- duct regular feedback sessions, and dedicate time ments. This survey revealed that only 64% of em- for open forums. Of course, theres always work to ployees believe their manager always does whatbedone!EverycompanysReasonforBeingand they say they will do, while 28% feel they can trustCore Values need clear definition and understand-their managers sometimes, but not all the timeing, managerial follow-through must be consistent, This is especially troubling because at Up Your Cul- andengagementlevelshavesignificantroomfor ture, we find that employees would rather work forimprovement. Ultimately, we want as many employ-a bad manager than one who is inconsistent. Newerees as possible fanning the flames of your compa-employees are even less likely to feel they can trustnys campfire. When culture aligns with strategy, it their manager; only 50% feel confident that theircan be a powerful force that supports engagement managers will come through for them. and retention, while acting as a buffer against future An important way for a company to forge strongcrises.bonds of trust with employees is to regularly con- Formoreinformation,readthefullEngage2022 ductanask-me-anything-styletownhallmeetingCompany Culture Report by visiting: uyc.thecenter-that allows for information sharing and unfilteredforsalesstrategy.com/company-culture-reportquestions. We were happy to learn that 72% of sur- *A strong company culture has been proven to lead to more than a 200% veyrespondentsworkforacompanythatpro- increase in employee performance and 4X revenue growth. (Forbes) vides open forums In a time where workplace structure is continually evolving, company culture and employee engage-ment are more important than ever. The Up Your Companies are becoming wise tothe power of company culture, and they recognize the direct impact their culture has on employee engagement. Engage 2022: Our Biggest Takeaways From the Company Culture Report 133'