b'BOOKS ON OUR SHELVES FORPersonal and Professional DevelopmentC reatinganenvironmentwhereemployeesnew perspectives, allows increased concentration, can develop is important to both their per- and boosts confidence in conversations.sonal and career growth. Finding time to read is important. To quote Con-When you create a work environment that fostersfucius,a culture of learning for you and your employees, you will reap many positive returns. No matter how busy you Personal and Professionalmay think you are, you Development Booksmust find time for reading, According to an article in Harvard Business Review,or surrender yourself to employeeswhoseeopportunitiestolearnand grow are 2.9x more likely to be engaged. self-chosen ignorance.In the employee engagement surveys we use toTo help you get started, on the following pages is a help companies develop stronger cultures of en- list of books we read as a team that may grab your gagement, one area that always seems to standinterest.out as an opportunity for companies to focus on is employee development. Whetheryoureaveteraninyourcareerorjust Employees crave development. Knowing this andstarting out, one of the most helpful things you how important learning is for us, training and de- can do is continue your professional growth.velopmenthavebeenafocusofourDeveloping yourself personally and professionally company for many years, as our team isisalifelongendeavor.Regardlessofthetypeof thirsty for self-evolvement. We offerstories you choose to read, reading will help you many opportunities for our team tounderstand others better. Learning the strategies grow, and one is through reading. used by some of the worlds most successful busi-Reading is so important for growthness leaders is sure to have a positive impact on andexercisingourbrains.Ityour career. These books listed are just a few of leadstocreativity,increasedthe many titles out there that will help teach and vocabulary, the ability to seemotivate you through your career.162 Books on Our Shelves For Personal and Professional Development'