b'Example:Youmayhaveabeaming the entire time! Then Itheywantthroughaninter-seller who needs to focus onopened a door, and his wife pre- view using the right questions. new business. They have a re- sented him with his award. ThatWerecommendtheGrowth ally high work intensity drive,onesimplequestion,combinedGuide.Determinewhatthey but their discipline is not thatwith my listening and willingnesswant that you can also deliver strong.Youwanttowriteinto execute, made a huge differ- on yourprioritycoachingstrat- ence in getting the most out of aEffectiveFeedback:Talkto egiesthatthispersonneedsveteran seller. He was wound upyourpeopleandgivethem theireffortschanneledintofor months! feedback based on what they fourkeyareas.Writeapro- do really well, where you see cessforthemthattheycanFeedbackfollow and give them the ex- them going in the next month pectationsthatyouhaveforEmployeesdesirefeedbackor quarter, and what you will those key areas. both positive and negative. In fact,helpthemimproveon.They 96% say that regular feedback iswill try to please you. Dont you Wants preferredtoinfrequentformal- want them to know how? izedreviews.Letsfaceit,feed- Formoreresourcesonhowto Youhavetounderstandwhataback from a year ago is unlikely toattract, retain, and develop sales personwantsfromyouaswell.be effective or even rememberedtalent,checkoutourresource Werecommendthatyouaskproperly by either party.center.them! If you ask the right ques-tions in an interview setting andKeys to a Successful listen really well, you will provide morewaystotailoryourpriori- Development Planty coaching strategies. They willIn order to develop your best as-love the interview because its allsetinthebuilding,youneeda about them.prioritized coaching strategy. Example: I once asked a vet- You will then enable both what eran seller, When youre suc- theyneedandwantinorder cessful,whomdoyouwantto gain success. Sometimes tohearaboutit?Thesellertheywontbehappy said,Hiswife.Ihadgottenaboutwhatthey avarietyofanswerstothisneed. I wouldnt give question, but no spouses hadahighmaintenance made the list until now.key account to someone who Myopportunitytodidnthavestrongdiscipline delivercameaskills for their own good.fewmonthslat- Seek out what er when he won salespersonof thequarter. We made a pro-ducedrecording of the traits of the winnerwhilesav-ing the name until the end. But I had his wife be thevoicethroughout.HewasRetain and Grow Top Performers with a Development Plan 105'