b'How have you tailored your coaching forbiggest takeaway from what he wanted from us. He each seller based on their Talents? is not afraid of making mistakes, and we have let him Greg: We used Codys intense Positivity to our advan- make some mistakes, which has sped up his learning. tage. People enjoy talking to him, and he is not afraidEvery time we are out in the field, we always discuss of talking to new people. So early on, we had him goand provide feedback, starting with the positive first.out and learn by talking to new people. We went outTara: I need to be available for him all the time. It is on calls with him, and we still go out on at least oneimportant to Michael to feel that I am there for himto two each week, and the focus is on supportingthat I have his back. The relationship is critical for him him, not selling for him. He enjoys going through theto thrive. So, if he calls, I need to answer the phone process on his own with prospects. After each call,or text him back right away and let him know that I we recap what went well and what he could do bet- will get back to him, so he knows that I am always ter the next time.available for him. Tara: Michael has extremely high Positivity and Dis- TellmeaboutyourIFMs.Doyouhave cipline. With that high intensity of Positivity, and hisa set structure? And how frequently do level of Discipline, there is a sense that he needs to be perfect with everything. I had to be mindful of mak- they happen?ing everything as positive as possible in every interac- Greg: I try my best to keep them to 30 minutes and tion with him. When we need to make adjustmentsnot go over. It is the same time and day each week, to his process, or try something different, the focusand we have missed maybe two or three in the last is on how he could try it differently to make it better,year. We are very consistent with our meetings. not because he did something wrong or it isnt work- We break up that meeting into three segments:ing. He is good with going out on his own, then com-ing back to the office and discussing what he learned1.Current pipelinewe look to what has changed and potential solutions. He needed to learn by goingsince the previous weekwhat has been add-out into the field. ed, what did he win or lose. The goal is to get an He also has intense Achiever and Responsibility, soeyeball on the next three months of what could he really wants to get the sale and is always lookingcome in and what is pending. for a solution that the client can afford. As a result,2.What is coming up this weekwho is he put-we had to create strict guidelines for him on the typeting a proposal in front of and what that propos-of investment levels we would accept and that wereal includes. We also discuss who he is meeting needed to drive results because his Talents were get- within that week.ting in his way. He had to learn through experience3Beyond this weekwe spend the last 10 min-that if he sold a deal that didnt meet those guide- utes focused on potential Target accounts, who lines, it would be rejected. It only took one experi- is on his radar, what he is doing with the digital ence with a deal being rejected because it did notteam, etc.meet those guidelines to keep him from the sameTara: We have our meeting every week, same time. behavior in the future. After that loss, he focused onWe have a similar structure of the current pipeline, accounts that would provide him with the win thatwhat is coming this week, month, and quarter, but met the standards needed to drive results for his newwe spend a lot of focus on the Target accounts on his client. list. We discuss his approach and the quality of the account, so spending more time on the front end to What takeaways from his Growth Guideset him up for success on the back end.have helped you most in developing and coaching each seller?Bothofthesesellerswerefairlynew Greg:Codywantscoachingandwantshelpbutwhenthepandemicstartedandthere doesnt want to be micro-managedthis was thewasadisruptioninbusinessandcom-90 Developing Talent Pays Off!'