b'Talent Superhero League of LegendsMaryann Balbo Group Vice President, Cox MediaMaryann Balbo is our first-ever repeat winner, whichple have, she really brings out the best in them and al-means she received the Talent Superhero League oflows them to work within the framework of their tal-Legends Award!ents and passions regardless of position or title. This, Nominated by Jason Wilson, General Sales Manag- in turn, brings out the very best in her team.er at Cox Media, who celebrates Maryanns passionHowhasMaryannsavedtheday?Jasonshared, for putting the right talent in the right role and thenMaryann used her skills in recruiting and talent eval-coaching them to achieve excellence. Jason describeduation to truly save the day with our organization. this peaceful protector by saying, Maryann is truly aShe saw the best in people and coached in a way that talent superhero! Her skills at identifying great talentallowed people to lead the change that needed to and using all of the tools at her disposal to analyze andhappen in our organization. She has since been pro-evaluate talent are second to none. Coaching peoplemoted from VP to Group VP and is taking that peo-to their strengths is her sweet spot. She coaches tople-focusedapproachtoothermarketsandseeing talent, not to positions. When she sees the gifts peo- success. She is a true talent superhero!18 Your 2021 Talent Superheroes'