b'THE CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGYStephanie DownsSenior Vice President The Center for Sales StrategyYou Have an Open Position, Now What?Selection is defined as the action or fact of carefully choosing someone or something as being the best or most suitable.I t is Monday morning and a seller has just told youOnce you have a clear understanding of the specific that they are resigning. Maybe that is a good thingjob you are filling, it is time to take the next step and or maybe it isnt, but either way you find yourselfprioritize the talents, skills, and experiences you want with the need to fill a position. But before you doyour new hire to have. When recruiting and hiring for that, you need to know what you are looking for intop talent, think in terms of: order to find it. The first step should be to have a jobTalent: Your natural ability or innate behavior. analysis process that clearly defines exactly what you need in your open position. To determine that, youSkills: What you have learned to do well. may ask yourself these kinds of questions: Experience:Howyoudevelopyourskillsand What are the accounts I am assigning, and howreach your talent potential.large or sophisticated are they? It will be important to determine the must haves How much new business development do I ex- or simply desired for each of these, meaning the talents that are required for the positions, or talents pect? that are desired, but not essential. For skills, which What specific types of expertise is the staff shortones do you need that are already developed and on right now? which are you willing to train? The same goes for How much sales skill must already be developedexperience.Whatarethemandatoryexperiences or how much am I willing to develop? needed, and what experiences are preferred? How much expertise do I expect the individual toHaving a clear idea of exactly what you need for your have? open position, begin by reviewing those in your Tal-ent Bank and determine who best aligns with what What are our revenue expectations? you have determined from the above. Maybe you 70 You Have an Open Position, Now What?'