b'upgrade to ensure that communication8.Organizations will place less with candidates will become moreimportance on reviewing resumes transparent and frequent companyand give more attention to talent follow-up is strong. Career sites will beassessments and skills tests that upgraded, job ads will become moreprovide quantifiable data about the engaging and less boring, and candidatescandidates innate abilities, potential will be given surveys to provide feedbackfor excellence in the role, and on their experience.developed skills.Understanding a candidates talents and 5.Organizations will prioritize diversityskills early on will shorten the hiring in hiring by using artificial intelligence,process and provide greater insight into talent assessments, and trainingthe behaviors they are likely to see in the leaders to remove unconscious bias injob.their recruitment process.Hiring managers will likely be held more9.As the tight labor market begins to accountable for moving a diverse slate ofloosen and more employees become candidates through the hiring process asready to return to the workforce, well.companies will pay more attention to boomerang employees.6.As candidates look for companies toThese former employees who left on take stronger stances on social issuesgood terms and were held in high regard and current events, companies willwill have the opportunity to return with increasingly focus on their employereven greater opportunities and benefits. brand.Instead of showcasing products, perks,10.Companies will focus less on an and office amenities, they will publicizeindividuals current skills and more on what the company is doing to supporttheir ability to learn.their employees, customers, andThe skills required for a specific job today communities. may be irrelevant for that job in the future, so hiring leaders will begin to pay 7.Companies that maintain a hybrid ormore attention to the candidates innate remote work environment will havecuriosity, desire to learn new things, and a larger talent pool and attract moreability to absorb new information quickly.candidates who are wanting the workplace flexibility.According to Indeed, 94% of all employers surveyed are now open to hiring outside of local markets, and 77% say their companies are open to remote workers. Top 10 Selection Trends 59'