b'UP YOUR CULTUREEngagement SpecialistsUp Your CultureDoes Engagement Lead to Exhaustion?M anyleadersagreethatpacts the individualit hurts thetwokeyfactorsthatinfluence highly engaged employ- organizations bottom line as well. burnout for highly engaged em-eesareavaluablere- ployeesresourcesandde-source to their company and areThe average cost of turnover formands. willing to spend time and resourc- anemployeeis1.5timestheir es to cultivate more engagementannual compensation. This figureWithinthegroupofhighlyen-in their organization. But theres adoesnt include other costs asso- gagedemployeesinthestudy, subset of highly engaged employ- ciatedwithregrettableturnover1 in 5 were in the high burnout ees that are at risk of burning outincluding recruiting, training, lostgroup. and leaving the companytherevenue, and customer impact. individualswhoarebothhighlyThe study found that while this engaged and exhausted.Companies often depend on high- group reported having high re-ly engaged employees tofortifysources such as supervisor sup-Recent studies show that as many asthe team, particularly in challeng- port, they also reported having 1 out of 5 highly engaged employ- ing times. But what most leadershighdemands,likeconsistently eesfallsintothiscategory.Thesedont realize is theyre at risk ofworkingonmultipleprojects individuals experience high levels oflosing one of their most valuableandbeingaskedtoattainhard stress and exhaustion due to theirresources when they increase de- to achieve goals. always on mentality with work.mands on these individuals for a sustained period, without provid- Individualswithhighdemands For managers who have employeesing additional support to help off- andhighresourcesweremost in this category, there are severalset the increased workload.likely to burnout, with many re-ways to curb the exhaustion beforeportingtheywereconsidering it leads to burnout or turnover. Why Engagedleaving the workplace. Employees AreIn contrast, 2 out of every 5 high-The Cost ofly engaged employees reported Employee Burnout Linked to Burnoutsomethingdifferent.Similarto Researchers at Yales Center fortheburnoutgroup,theyalso Employeeburnoutnotonlyim- Emotional Intelligence identifiedhadhighresources,buttheir 146 Does Engagement Lead to Exhaustion?'