b'This is no longer a forecasted trend87% of companies globally are already using some form of AI for hiring.engagementbytrackingapplications,responses,antwhich can in turn lead to improved hiring, and inquiries through programming. This can helplower turnover rates, and greater employee satis-recruitersbetterservecandidatesandengagefaction. them in the process. Itisbecomingincreasinglyclearthatthereisno By eliminating human bias and error, AI improvesfuturefortheworkforcewithouttheinclusionof the hiring process across the board for recruiters,technology and artificial intelligence. This is no lon-candidates, and hiring managers. Streamlining theger a forecasted trend87% of companies globally process allows recruiters and hiring managers toare already using some form of AI for hiring. Artifi-focus more directly on the relationship with thecial intelligence is no longer the future: it is here to candidate and get to know them as a person, notstay as a powerful tool for HR and Recruiting in to-just as an applicant. This focus on the relationshipdays challenging and competitive market for talent. allows employees to feel seen, valued, and import- The Future Is Here: AI Meets Recruiting41'