b'3. Automate Your4. Improve Your room for personalization. Not only Resume Screening Interviews do most candidates expect an au-tomated reply that acknowledges Manyofthestagesinthehir- The job interview is a great timetheir application, but the majority ing process take more time thanforacandidatetolearnmore(84%) also expect a personal email necessary,especiallyconsideringaboutyouasanemployerandresponseand52%anticipatea that a resume spends 23% of itsfor you to decide if the candidatephone call. By making the hiring time in the screening phase. Au- is a good fit for your current jobprocessmorepersonal,youcan tomatedresumescreeningcanopening.Enterthisprocesswithimpressthecandidateandhelp beanimportantstepinmakinganopenmindandfocusonthe the process fast and efficient. Uti- candidate, not yourself. You wantto create a positive perception of lize tools that filter out unsuitableto give this individual a chance toyour company.candidates before you waste timeshow you what they have to of- Anefficient,streamlinedhiring reading and responding to everyfer. Read up on current interviewprocess is one of the most import-resume.Thisimprovesyourhir- tips and techniques to make sureant things you can offer your po-ing process by drastically reducingyoure getting the most from this the time to hire without sacrific- important step. tential employees. Use the above ing quality of hire. tips to improve your current pro-5. Personalize thecess in an effort to retainand hire Process morequalitycandidates.Ifyou needhelpgettingstarted,learn While hiring is typically a standard,more about PRemployer and how repeatableprocess,itswe can help improve your overall importanttoHR strategy and functions.leave5 Tips for Improving and Streamlining Your Hiring Process35'