b' Your company can only be as good as its employees. Each hire has the potentialto raisethe performance bar for theentire organization.Selection is the process of carefully choos- ployment journey. Engage your people with a ing someone who is the best or most suit- vision,acceleratetheirtalentsthroughgrowth able. Its important to prioritize talent, skill, andinvestments, and match them with the right lead-experience during the selection process. Talenters to allow ample opportunities for success.refers to a persons natural ability, skill refers toBeyondthetraditionalconversationalin-what a person has learned to do well, and expe- terview,considertakingyourcandidate rience refers to the method in which a personsthrough roleplaying scenarios to better un-skill has been developed. derstand coachability and skillset. Scenarios According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, 65%involving problem-solving are a highly effective of employees reported theyre looking for awaytogetaglimpseintohowyourcandidate new job. If the Great Resignation hasnt affectedprocesses thoughts and creates solutions.you yet, chances are it still will. Have a detailedA candidates talent assessment can be used selection process in place to ensure your talentto design interview questions that allow you bank is full and youre hiring those best fit forto determine whether a candidate is the right your specific sales roles. fit. Probe situational talents and weaknesses with Success is easily confused with talent. Manag- questions that provide opportunities for the ap-ers often go after the experienced, big-name sell- plication of these talents in real-life situations.ers and overlook the salespeople who have innateYourcompanycanonlybeasgoodasits talent, but dont have experience. Hiring inexperi- employees. Each hire has the potential to raise enced salespeople with talent may require morethe performance bar for the entire organization. legwork in the beginning, but it provides you theBesuretopreparegreatinterviewquestions, opportunity to train someone without needing toschedule multiple interviews, include leaders and overcome previously developed selling habits. non-leaders, and use a validated, role-specific tal-Strong, scientific talent assessments help de- ent assessment to help guide you in your selec-termine which candidates you should devotetion process.the most time to. They also highlight candidatesThesciencebehindassessmentisimport-with the right talents for the job, and engage can- ant, but its also important to ask yourself if didates by recognizing their natural talents. the candidate is a good fit for your company Talent diversity is more than simply selectingculture. Ask yourself what your gut instincts are people into organizations; its about bringingand take them into account during the selection out the best in people throughout their em- process. Selection Takeaways 79'