b'THE CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGYBeth SunshineSenior VP, The Center for Sales Strategy and Up Your CultureThe Art and Science of Gut Instinct and SelectionI f you have ever been part of hir- probably look very different! ofexcellence in a specific role and ing and training a new employee,Were all hard-wired from a veryprovidesyouwiththelevelof you know how important it is toyoungagewithauniquesetintensityyourcandidatehasin get it right. The company can onlystrengths and weaknesses. Whileeach area. Understanding an indi-beasgoodasitsemployees,sowecanimproveinanareaofviduals talent is key to success in each hire has the potential to raiseweaknessbyasmuchas10%,making smart selection decisions.the performance bar for the entirewecanimproveinanareaof organization. strength by 10X! Career successBut science isnt everything.starts with finding a job that de-So, how does a company ensuremands frequent use of our innateThe Artthattheygetthatright?Webe- strengths and rarely requires us lieve its a combination of both artto lean on our weaknesses. No one understands a business and science. like those who work in it.Would the kindergarten teacherAsahiringmanager,youknow The Science be equally stellar in the tax attor- the culture of the company and neyrole?Howabouttheother Every job role requires a very dif- way around? Maybebut proba- thevibeinyouroffice.Youre ferent set of talents. bly not.clearonthepersonalitiesthat Thebesthiringdecisionsareworkwellthere,thestylewith Imagine two different people whopowered by science and involve awhichyouprefertowork,and are both stellar in their jobs. Onevalidated talent assessment builttheexpectationsyouwillhave is a kindergarten teacher and thefor the specific job role. With thisforyournewhire.Inother other is a tax attorney and theyrekind of instrument, you go in withwords, you know whether some-both the very best in their fields.your eyes wide open. one will be the right fit for what If you were to make a list of whatyou need in the job.makes each one so naturally goodA strong talent instrument mea-at what they do, your lists wouldsures the behaviors that lead toThats the art.76 The Art and Science of Gut Instinct and Selection'