b'fective, two-way communication. This does not meaning direction without asking for feedback will, over that we hold their hands and cry about how tough thetime, be de-motivating to your staff.job is. Rather, be a sounding board who can truly relatePeople need to know that theyre valued and one and then objectively offer ideas on how to productive- way to communicate that is to take the time to ask ly cope with whatever challenges theyre facing. for their input. Rather than just announcing a new Are you creating an environment that allows yoursales initiative, for instance, consider offering sever-sellers to shine? al options and then asking for ideas on which might All too often we find opportunities for criticism or cor- work best or how one might made more effective. rection. Its the nature of the business. But balancedAs always, this sort of conversation only has value if communication requires that we take opportunitiesyou sincerely listen and consider the ideas offered, to praise our team members both publicly and pri- incorporating those that make sense.vately even if we must create those opportunities. Communication Is KeyThink of all the metrics you employ to measure suc-cessful activity and how you might single out teamPositive and effective communication is a require-members for their performance in specific areas be- ment for any business leader. Its also the skill that yond simple budget achievement. If sincere, this praiseemployees feel many executives need to work on the can motivate and will avoid the negative pitfall of be- most. So, dont be discouraged if your traditional and ing perceived as one who never offers recognition. virtualcommunicationabilitiesneedsomerefine-The daily demands of the job often interfere withment. Now is the time for you to grow, develop, and our communication. We often just dont feel that weimprove!have time for extraneous discussion. But simply giv- Communication Mistakes That Hurt Employee Engagement149'