b'attention to whether their employees8.Employee Recognition have the work-life balance they need toThe change to remote work focused com-thrive at work.panies to adjust how they give employee recognition. The lack of physical togeth-5.Increasing the Sense of Belonging aterness created a lack of spontaneous Work and meaningful recognition. Companies Companies will pay serious attention toacross the board have realized this and the recent studies proving that a senseare finding ways (often using technolo-of belonging is more motivating thangy) to recognize employee contributions monetary rewards (and results in higherdifferently to reward and motivate their productivity). They will focus more onpeople.how to create this sense of belonging for employees which will increase employee9.DiversityWont Be Enough engagement and performance while alsoDiversity has been an increasingly large reducing turnover and absenteeism.focus for companies, but representation is just one piece of the puzzle. Its not 6.Work Life Balanceenough to hire people from different Remote work is here to stay but em- ethnicities, social structures, and back-ployers can expect to see an increasinggrounds. That is the first step to an inno-demand for work-life balance this year.vative, creative, engaged, and successful Research has shown that a strong positivebusiness. But Inclusion and Belonging are relationship exists between employeethe binding force that makes the diversity engagement and work-life balance whichinitiative sustainable. means that engagement increases as that feeling of balance increases. And with10.Employees Will Be Brand Ambassa-thatproductivity. dors Employees play an enormous role in com-7.Human Connections Will Improve,pany branding since they get 561% more Growing Businessengagement on social media and have 10 Leaders will foster stronger connectionstimes more followers than their employ-with their employees (even virtually) buters. Organizations will lean into the trend become better at demonstrating empa- of having employees openly share stories thy, communicating transparently andand reviews about whats happening at truthfully, and showing their human sidework.in their interactions. *Human Resources Today (HRT),Top 10 Engagement Trends 127'