b'port. While they may, thats a ma-jor risk and a waste of time. An employee who is trained for a role can not only be better re-lied on to adapt to it but will also adapt faster. It may seem coun-terintuitive but taking some time and money and investing it into new leaders pays dividends.The Importance of a Strong ProcessHigher-ups need to help manag-ersturnintogoodleaders.For instance,annualsalesplanning and sales calendars can do some good but only if done right.Many companies fall into the trap oftakinggoodtalentandcon-straining them to no benefit. The wrong sales structures can disin-centivize workers to grow and do their best (and that isnt the only way a company can go wrong).Putplainly,salesmeetingsand training wont make much of an impactifyouhavethewrong sales structure or sales process. Whether your training is solid but your process is bad, or vice versa, there will be issues.Think of managerThe challenge can be identifyingThesolutiontothisproblemis, which employees are good lead- thankfully,notallthatelabo-only as a position andership candidates. A basic recom- rate.First,acompanyneedsto leader as a series ofmendationwouldbetoidentifyensuretheirtrainingprocessis desired traits. thosewithsomecharisma,whogood. They should research train-employeestendtolookupto,ing solutions and choose an evi-whoalsoshowawillingnesstodence-based approach.learn.Second,acompanymustthen Oneofthebiggestmistakesamakesureitsactualprocedure companycanmakeisassumingiscompatiblewiththetraining anemployeewillgrowintoaapproachtheyvechosen.There leadership position with no sup- may be multiple right ways toLeadership DevelopmentDeveloping Managers Into Leaders115'