b'marketingdepartmenttobuildassessment for our account exec- may have the right stuff to work creativeadsthatdemonstrateutive positions at Federated Me- in his industry after graduation, their personality and have somedia here.and receive a detailed report of fun with the message.So am I always hiring? Yes, youtheir top talents and 15 action-Thesevideosandcreativeadscould say that. Or you might justablestrategiestheycanuseto are ideal for employees to sharesay Im always investing in talent. maximizetheirstrengthsand on their own social media plat- have a strong career start!formssinceindividualsgetaCheckoutmoreinformation much higher rate of engagementaboutcareeropportunitiesatShare their Toponsocialmediathanorganiza- Federated Media!Talent Reporttions. Look for job fair ManagerslikeBethNifongat CMGAtlantaRadiohaveused Use LinkedIn opportunities the Top Talent Reports to create Some managers like Allison Dela- Some managers, like Brenna vonstronger interactions with appli-grange(GSMFederatedMedia)ArentschildtatCoxMediaAri- cants and help them achieve suc-do a great job of attracting topzonahavetakenadvantageofcess in their careers whether it is talent and building relationshipsevents like local job fairs that fa- at their company or somewhere using LinkedIn. cilitatemeaningfulinteractionselse.Bethexplained,Sharing Heres an example of somethingwithlargenumbersofpeople.the Top Talent Report with peo-she posted this year: Brenna has been able to active- plehelpsthemintheirsearch lyseekthespecifictalentssheand allows them to learn more Ifyouvereadmyposts,youis looking for in those attendingabout themselves and what their might think, She is ALWAYS hir- thejobfairsandanswertheirtalents are.ing.Theremustbesomethingquestions on the spot. wrong. Take actionEvents like job fairs give recruit-The truth is - I AM always hiring.ers, HR professionals, and hiringRegardlessofwhichmethods BUT, its not for the reasons youmanagerstheopportunitytoyouchoosetouse,thegoalis might think. reachabroaderaudienceandto build a large talent bank filled At Federated Media, we believebetter drive any Diversity, Equity,with people who have a diverse in(andinvestin)talent.WereInclusion,andBelonging(DEIB)set of talents, skills, and experi-so passionate about finding peo- initiative they may have. ences. Set a goal for the number ple with the innate strengths forofpeopleyouwilladdtoyour salesthatwerealwayslookingTap into university Talent Bank in the next 90 days, for them, regardless of whethersharethatgoalwithsomeone connections whowillholdyouaccountable, or not we have an immediate orand then create your action plan urgent need to hire. JamesConner,asalesmanagerto get there. Ourinvestmentstartswithanat Emmis Indianapolis, has found onlinesalestalentassessment.astrongconnectionbetweenMakerecruitmentanactivity Itlltakeyouabout30minutesuniversities and sales talent. Heyou do year-round, and you will tocomplete,andwhenyoudo,hasbuiltastrongrelationshiphave a strong bench to pull from Ill have a free Top Talent Reportwith the Sales and Marketing De- when a job becomes available!to give you. It truly is one of thepartments at two different local best tools for professional devel- institutions. He has a custom link opment Ive ever seen! for the Sales Talent Assessment and can provide these students Will you give me the opportunitywiththeopportunitytocom-to invest in you? Take the onlineplete the assessment, see if they 28 How Companies Are Successfully Filling Their Talent Banks'