b'most time with first as well as identifying those withthe fiber of your being can propel you to new-found the right talent for the right jobsbefore you losesuccess in the right role. This same talent could be the them.Strongassessmentsengagecandidates,en- exact talent an employer is looking for. abling them to feel heard and understood in ways traditional interviews cant, as the latter can neitherAssessments that measure natural talent allow peo-scale nor offer candidates the time. ple to understand, embrace, and express the best version of themselves. Their natural talents are inter-There are many quality assessments and assessmentwoven into their story, their background, and all the partners. Those companies will proactively and on- intersections they possess. Their natural talents got goingly evaluate their tools for adverse impact fol- them to where they are today, whether they realize lowingever-changingfederal,state,local,andfor- it or not. These talents challenge us to reframe our eign legislation. These evaluations can help identifytraditional view of diversity, by instead painting a pic-needed process changes and illuminate course cor- ture of talent diversity. Talent diversity celebrates rections,whileensuringtoolsaremeasuringwhatthat we are all given gifts and we feel significant when Megan Leasher they intend to. This is table stakes in a land of duewe express those gifts to add value in our work. Tal-Chief Solutions Strategist diligence; assessments can and should be more. As- ent diversity discovers and embraces all people have Talent Plus, Inc. sessments should help organizations redefine a por- to offer, the natural talents that help organizations trait of diversity. thrive.The strongest assessments focus on natural talent.Talent diversity is more than simply selecting people Talentsthatorganizationscancelebrate,leverageinto organizations; its about bringing out the best in and harness for individual and organizational growth.peoplethroughouttheiremploymentjourney.Its Talents that surprise and delight in what they revealabout recognizing what people have to offer, engag-about people. Talents help organizations Recognize,ing people in work where they get to fully use their Engage, Accelerate and Lead for a Great REALizationtalents, accelerating their talents through individual like none other. Talent assessments, when createdgrowth investments, and matching people with the with scientific validity and the precision to truly un- right leaders who will provide them with opportuni-derstand the unique talents people have to offer, areties for success. a powerful and impactful way to broaden our per-spectives, understanding, and appreciation of people.How can your organization leverage the power of tal-Assessmentsmeasuringnaturaltalentopendoorsent diversity? How can you focus your organization to for people. These assessments overcome traditionalbroaden its perspectives and appreciation of people selection criteria by creating a fair, equitable, job-rel- through assessing talent? Where would your organi-evant approach to harness inherent talents; talentszation be if everybody did what they were good at underneath the surface screaming to be uncovered.and enjoyed? Where would YOU be if you had These same talents drive job-specificboth the desire and op-performance. They set people upportunity to do what for success while setting organi- youaregoodatand zations up for success. enjoyed?Atalentassessmentwillre- Therightassessments vealacandidatestalent,em- canunlockandunravel powering them. Knowing thisthe best in people. Natural aboutyourselfcanunlocktalentshelppeoplefeel something new in you: thesignificantandtalent knowledge and the confi- diversity can bring un-dencetoexpresstheimaginable success to bestversionofyour- both teams and orga-self. A natural talent innizations.69'