b'Selection Q&A By conducting PCMI and Usingtalentassessments,conductinggoodinter-views, and considering talent, fit, skills, and experi- now MTA assessments, ence during your selection process are crucial to en- Im able to better sure you bring the right people on board. Our Q&A continues with selection tips. determine the candidates potential fit with the Howdoyouusetalentassessmentsteam and to see if the during your selection process to ensurecandidate adds strength you bring the right people on board? First, we dont speak with any candidate until afterto our team. theyve completed the STA. The reason why is by completing that, it will help guide some of the ques-tions and topics well explore to see if they would- Scott Burtonbe the right fit for the right role. Different sales rolesVice President, (new business seller, seasoned seller with large listCox Media Louisianaof accounts, etc.) call for a different mix of those sales talents so its important that you know which talents fit the role youre looking to fill. After the in- ment, we focused on those two aspects to determine terview process and before I consider making a hire,the talents that we were looking for. We recruited I schedule a coaching call with the talent analysts toand interviewed with a focus on our Desired Talent review those talents once more and make sure ImList, created primarily from Hunter and Work-from-on the right track. Hometalents.Wepassedonsomeexperienced Allison Delagrange salespeople who might be a better fit at a different General Sales Manager, Federated Media Fort Waynetime, and we hired salespeople with the top talents When we first implemented the CSS Sales Talent As- that we need today. Those salespeople have made sessment into our recruiting process, we used it in- a significant impact for us, and were continuing to correctly. We only considered the most basic level: recruit more with the same types of talents. 1.Did they pass?David Hynson Vice President of Sales Dallas-Fort Worth2.Can I hire them? 3Who scored highest? How do you use team composites during Essentially,wehopedthatcandidateswhoweal- your selection process? ready wanted to hire passed the test, so we couldI have a team composite of my current team that hire them. Often, we were surprised and disappoint- highlightsstrengthsandareasofopportunityor ed to learn that they didnt. We then began using thegaps.ByconductingPCMIandnowMTAassess-STA score to screen candidates, saving us enormousments, Im able to better determine the candidates amounts of time up front, and allowing us to inter- potential fit with the team and to see if the candi-view from a more talented pool. That was an im- date adds strength to our team, perhaps in business portant step, but we placed too much emphasis onthinking or building impactful relationships. All final-overall score in our selection, often simply hiring theists take the PCMI/MTA before my final interview, highest total score candidates. The difference cameallowingmetocraftspecificquestionstoensure when we began to use the STA the way it is designedtight alignment with our needs. to match candidate talents to our needs. As gen-erating new business became even more important,Scott Burton and our team shifted to a work-from-home environ- Vice President, Cox Media Louisiana Superhero Spotlight 159'