b'It is vitally important for a new hire to know they have made the right choice in accepting a position and quickly feel an emotional connection to their new team.a work buddy to help your new hire navigate on- new hire a thorough grounding in how the team, boarding. Schedule a formal check-in at the end ofthe business unit, and the company function and the first week to praise successes, discuss concerns,their place in this system. Onboarding has four dis-and answer any questions they may have. And plantinct steps, and its important to plan out each be-something fun, like a team lunch, in-office or virtualfore step before that first day.happy hour, or a scavenger hunt around the office.1. Learning about each other The Heart of Onboarding Add the new hire to your companys internal sys-A strong onboarding program is a well-thought-outtemsandincludethemonteamandcompany plan to cover each step of a new hires develop- emails. Schedule time early on to sit down with the ment. Its important not to rush this step. A strongnew hire and learn about them. Discuss strengths program typically lasts about 90 days and gives theas seen on the talent assessment and share the Top 102 Three Phases of Onboarding'