b'STR AIGHT FROM THE EXPERTSMary Beth MeadowsSenior Executive Vice PresidentPRemployer5 Tips for Improving and Streamlining Your Hiring Process T oday,morethaneverbe- 1. Promote Yourtialcandidateslikeknowingyou fore, developing an efficienthave an interest in this aspect of and streamlined hiring pro- Employer Brand the company.cessisthekeytosuccessforaA strong employer brand can at-small- to medium-sized business.tract passive candidates, and they2. Optimize JobWhy? According to The Undercov- make up over 75% of profession- Descriptionser Recruiter, the best candidatesals. When compared to active job are out of the job market and in aseekers, passive candidates are of- A job description may be the first job within 10 days. Whats more,ten more desirable to employers. thing a candidate sees when learn-15% of candidates who feel posi- ing about your company. Not only tive about their hiring experienceWhile your employer brand maythat,butagoodjobdescription will put more effort into the job. nothavebeensomethingyouwillgainhighershareability thoughtaboutpreviously,pro- throughsocialmedia.More Candidatespreferahiringpro- motingitisnotthatdifficult.than anything, stick to stan-cessthatsefficient,collabora- Make certain to include informa- dardjobtitlesandkeep tive, and positive, and improvingtion about your company culture,thedescriptioncleanand and streamlining your hiring pro- values, and mission in all recruit- concise.Youdontwantto cess can help you seal the dealmentmarketing,includingprint,clutteritwithclichesand with top-quality candidates. Theonline,andonsocialmedia.Inbuzzwords.Therearemany followingfivetipswillhelpyouaddition,respondprofessionallyothertechniquesouttherefor make sure your hiring process istoonlinereviews(bothpositiveimproving your descriptionstake smoothandefficientforallin- and negative) about what it is likethe time to study and follow the volved. working for your company. Poten- advice given by hiring experts.34 5 Tips for Improving and Streamlining Your Hiring Process'