b'have come to realize that you dont have the right candidate in your talent bank and you need to start recruiting. In either situation, here are some suggest-ed steps that sales leaders recommend taking during the Selection process. 1.Define the role (talent, skills, and experience).2.Customize the job posting to align with what is needed then share across all social media plat-forms. 3Conduct the Sales Talent Assessment to identify natural sales talents prior to the initial interview. 4The hiring manager conducts the first interview and then includes other stakeholders in the in-terviewing process when needed. Other stake-holders can include:Other managers in the sales organization.Department heads outside of sales if they will heavily interact with your new hire. Potentially,accountexecutivesthatare leaders on the team and ones whose input you value. 5Prepare questions that are designed to explore their talents, skills, experience, and fit. Fit for you as their hiring manager, fit for the position, and fit for your companies culture. Also, dont forget to take the time to sell them on you and your company culture. If they are top talent, they are likely employed or being recruited by others. 6Considertakingthecandidatethroughanyof these types of processes:Engage them in a role-play scenario to un-derstand coachability or skillset.Time spent on hiring is Ask them to provide written answers to a se-ries of questions on topics like prospectingtime well spent.for new business, or handling an objection, or how they would respond to an unhappy- Robert Halfclient. Provide them a scenario and ask them to present a solution, which allows you to see8Seek input from all involved in the hiring process how the candidate presents themselves and get a better look at their thought processesto determine the best candidate. in creating the solution.Following a process as described above should set 7Check references (those provided by the candi- youuptomakethebestandmostsuitablehire! date and those not provided). You Have an Open Position, Now What? 71'