b'Increase Training Frequency practices into learning and development and offers Before the pandemic, much in-person learning stillparticipants a rich and powerful experience. tendedtobelong-formwithfull-dayworkshops spanning multiple days in a row. Not to say that isLeave Time for Practical thewrongapproach;in-personfacilitationisinaApplicationmuchmorecontrolledenvironmentwithbuilt-in breaks and movement coupled with human inter- Modernlearningshouldbepresentedinsmaller, action. When moving a workshop online, it is notmore frequent intervals, but, when possible, you still goodpracticetosimplyrecreatewhatwasdoneneed to create space and time for practice. During in-person.TakeforexampleourTalentFocusedourIMPACTMastermind series, ourgroup break-Management program, which was an on-site, two- outs often focus on the application of new tools and day experience. Presenting roughly 16 hours of con- concepts,usingcurrentsituationsandchallenges tentvirtuallyoverconsecutivedayswillnothavefaced by the participants. Experiential learning, or the same impact that the live training did. Instead,learning by doing, is a proven method that allows we now present the content over 10 weeks in two- learners to directly carry over the lesson to the real hour virtual workshops. By meeting more frequent- world by first attempting the new skill in a safe en-ly, participants can more easily commit to carvingvironment. Practical application in a session allows out the time and avoid the dreaded Zoom fatiguelearners real-time feedback and the opportunity to that comes with overtly long virtual trainings.ask questions for clarification. Remember, learning shouldnt stop once they leave Peer-to-Peer Learningtheclassroom,virtualorotherwise.Tomakethe One of the tenets of Adult Education is that learningmost impact, stay in touch with the learners with rel-needs to be relevant. Although facilitators are sub- evant emails and reminders that reinforce the princi-ject matter experts and have practical knowledgeples learned and how to apply and experience with the training subject, a lessonthem. Ask for success stories learned from a peer packs a huge punch. Hearingbased on what they learned what worked from someone facing the same chal- andsharewithothers.Con-lenges and obstacles in a real-world situation givessidermakingdemonstration participants immediate tools to apply to their ownoflearning work. Learning environments provide examples andin their roles potential roadblocks to success, but by using smallarequire-group discussion, learning becomes apparent withmentfor immediate usefulness. Whenever possible, we inte- completion grate small group discussions or peer-led exercisesandshare intovirtualinstructor-ledtraining.Thefeedback we receive from these portions of the training are extremely positive and elicit responses during the sessions that clearly suggest that they see the im-mediate applicability of the lessons learned. Peer-to-peeropportunitiesallow otherstoshareandshowwhat they know and allow for that var-iedinstructionalstrategymen-tioned earlier. Moving from large tosmallgroupsthroughoutthe sessionsintegratesmultiplebestAccelerate Your Development Programs by Embracing Change 107'