b'RECRUITMENT C A S E S T U DY: Susan McCullinSenior Consultant The Center for Sales StrategyHow Companies Are Successfully Filling Their Talent Banks W differentlyifcritical to your business success.Referrals are your ould you manage your peopleIt will allow you to fill open po-youhadyournextbest sourcesitions much more quickly, bring SalesSuperstarsittingonthemore talented people on board,Agreatwaytoseekstrongre-bench, ready to jump in?reduceyourlevelofstressandferralsistousetheNominator WhatifyouhadaTalentBankthatofyourteam,andpre- System. full of these talented people? vent clients from being shuffledWhen you ask someone a broad If you are like most leaders, youaroundwhileyouaretryingtoquestion like, Who do you know wouldprobablyholdyourpeo- find the perfect person.who would be good in sales? it plemoreaccountabletomeet- There are lots of ways to build acanbeverydifficultforthem ing expectations and you wouldstrongTalentBank.Ourannualto give you good information in refusetotoleratepoorperfor- SalesSuperstarStudyrevealedreturn.Typically,thefirstthing mance. that the top five are: they will do is think about who is currently available and looking Dont wait: start1.Referralsforajob,whichexcludesalot of top talent you want on your building a Talent2.LinkedInbench.Bank today! 3AdvertisingInstead, look at the talent assess-Building that bench of talent be- 4Competitorsments you use and consider the fore you have jobs come open is5Internal Recruiter/HRspecificbehaviorsthatleadto 26 How Companies Are Successfully Filling Their Talent Banks'