b'STR AIGHT FROM THE EXPERTSKarl Giuseffi Megan LeasherExecutive VP of ResearchChief Solutions Strategistand Innovation Talent Plus, Inc.Talent Plus, Inc.Redefining the Portrait of Diversity Through Talent Assessments S election processes and tools are always targetsprevious selection traditions and reframe our priori-forscrutinyasorganizationsareincreasinglyties and perspectives.facing concerns about unintentional bias, or ad-verse impact. For example, requiring a college degree,Whenwestepbackandthinkaboutselection years of experience in the field, or specific skills maythrough the traditional focus on criteria such as ed-be more discriminatory than companies may realize.ucation,experience,andcurrentskillsets,wemay Assessments are a common target for legal concerns,have shut the door on many talented, diverse people which can lead some organizations legal teams towe could train or develop. With talent pool shortages say no to using assessments in hiring, yet grantingso critical right now, we must look at people and jobs permission to using post-hire for development pur- differently. What traditional selection criteria might poses. Ironically, these same organizations may haveyou have in place? Are those for an ideal candidate active job postings for sales roles requiring four yearsor necessary qualifications? How do you know? Who of college, five years of experience, and ownership ofmight you be unnecessarily overlooking? If selected, a car. So, these criteria are okay, but assessments arewhat greatness might these individuals bring to your not? Its time to rethink hiring practices. organization, especially if better trained?The Great Resignation is forcing organizations toDespite a sometimes-critical view of assessments ad-think differently about how they identify and secureversely blocking some individuals from getting jobs, talent, as well as the tools associated with accom- we challenge organizations to view these assessments plishing these goals. Job markets are no longer lim- as creating opportunities for those likely overlooked ited to geographic location. With unbounded talentby traditional criteria. Strong assessments help more pools and a race for talent, its time to evolve pastequitably determine which candidates to spend the 68 Redefining the Portrait of Diversity Through Talent Assessments'