b'THE CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGYMindy MurphySenior Talent Analyst The Center for Sales StrategyUnderstanding Talent and Fit with Better Interview QuestionsD oyouwanttoconductgointointerviewswithagoodthat will allow you to better un-betterinterviewsanden- understanding of their strengthsderstandtheirstrengthsand sureyoumakesmarthir- and weaknesses, which will allowweaknessesandhowwellthey ingdecisions?Preparingbetteryou to spend your time with thewill fit with your team, your man-interviewquestionstodeter- people who have the innate tal- agementstyle,yourcompanys mine talent and fit will help youent to excel in the position. culture, your clients, etc.improve this step in your selec-tion process. Going into an interview knowingHereareafewexamplesoffit exactlyhowapersoniswiredinterviewquestionsyoumight Thefirst,andmostimportant,also allows you to avoid glare,considerusing.Thesewillhelp stepistohaveyourcandidatewhich is when you instantly con- you uncover the information you completeavalidatedtalentas- nect with the person, find thingsneedtodeterminewhethera sessment specific to the role youin common with them, and likecandidate is the right fit:arefillingbeforeyoumeetwiththem. (For example, maybe you them. went to the same college or haveI have read your resume, but the same interests.) Iwouldlikeyoutotellme Use a Talent about yourself. Give me your Assessment BuiltUnderstanding two-minute bio.How would you describe your Specifically for theTalent and Fitideal company to work for?Position During Interviews Whatqualitiesinyour Ideally, you want to have candi- Takeadisciplinedapproachtoco-workers do you appreciate dates complete the talent assess- your candidate interviews by re- the most?ment as early as possible in yourviewingtheirtalentassessmentWhat qualities in your co-work-selection process. That way, youandpreparinggoodquestionsers bother you the most?72 Understanding Talent and Fit with Better Interview Questions'