b'run a business but too many busi- handle that autonomy. Forinstance,youdontwantto nesses train one way and act an- blame your managers for things other. If youre worried about mistakesbetterblamedonCOVID-19or beingmade,simplyrequirebig- similar disasters. Sometimes the Helping Employeesgerdecisionstobeconfirmedeconomydoesntdowelland withuppermanagementbeforethat is what hurts sales.Be Proactive theyremade.Thiswillstillbe Acompanycangivesomeonefar more efficient than trying toThe ability to measure the perfor-all the leadership tips and train- involveyourselfineverysalesmance of employees is critical to ing they want; if they keep theirmeeting. Help employees be pro- leadership development. It allows managersontootightaleash,active. you to watch for issues as well as theyll never be able to becomepraisevictories,helpingtoboth course-correct and reinforce pos-true leaders. Measuring itive behaviors as needed.Many companies are reluctant toPerformancegive new leaders (or managers inThis is not to mention poor per-general) power. However, a lead- Oftenthebestwaytomeasureformance evaluation can have the ercannotdotheirjobwithoutperformanceissimplybylook- opposite effect. If employees feel theabilitytobeproactiveanding at the relevant metrics. Howyour evaluation of them is discon-semi-autonomous.good is a given leader at landingnected from actual achievement, sales either directly or indirectly? whatincentiveistheretogrow Work with your leaders regardingand learn?annual sales planning and settingIn sales, many would argue reve-nue is the bottom line. How much sales calendars, taking their inputmoney is a given employee bring- The Traits of ainearnest.Thisisakeyskillto leadershipdevelopment;nottoing in? For a leader, include bothGreat Leadermention,theymayhaveinsighttheleadersaccountsandtheirWhile an entire ebook could be you lack. teams. written on how one should define Overtime,managersshouldbeHowever,thatdoesntpaintthea great leader, well focus on the able to do more and more them- whole picture. For example, howbasics. What traits are at the core selves, with little input from high- much a leader causes a given ac- of a sales leader?er-ups.Inbusiness,autonomycount to bring in as compared toWedarguethefirstisvision.A means efficiency. The only caveatpreviousyearsalsoisaworthyleader wants to change the com-is leaders must be well-trained tometric.panytheyareapartofforthe Thebestleaderscanpullbloodbetter. They form a sensible goal A good managerfromastone.Iftheyregivenforthemselvesthatwillbenefit the company and try to achieve can dramaticallyweak accounts and still can makethat goal.themgrow,thatsworthnoting improve youreven if other leaders may be pull-Havingastrongvisionrequires operations if givening in more revenue total. understandingthebigpicture the right trainingItsalsoimportantnottolookfor a given company and shows anemployeecaresaboutmore and the tools to doatyourdatainisolation.Forin- than their strictly defined role in their job. stance, check out our media salesthe company. It shows they care report to see how you compare toabout the whole operation.the greater world. Growth and de-cline arent always a leaders fault. Strongvisionrequirestheintel-116 Leadership DevelopmentDeveloping Managers Into Leaders'