b'overall demand level stayed low.EngagementComesinLook for ways your engaged team ThisgroupexperiencedwhatMany Shapes and Sizesmembers are contributing to the researcherscalledoptimalen- Its also important to rememberpurpose and mission of your or-gagementtheywereabletoganizationand acknowledge it do their job well, but not placedthat engagement looks differentwhen you see it in action.in situations where they couldntfor different types of people. En-achieve success.gagement isnt necessarily syn- Are Your Employees onymouswithbeinghappyat This data sheds light on severalwork. Its about having a stakeEngaged in the Right waysleaderscansupporttheirin the game and a sense of pur- Way?employeestoavoidbottomingpose. As Beth Sunshine, Found-out. ing Partner of Up Your Culture,Whilemanyemployeeengage-recently explained:ment conversations tend to focus on what happens when employ-How to MaintainWedefineemployeeengage- ees are not engaged, its just as ment as the emotional commit-important to make sure your em-Engagementmentandawillingnesstogiveployees are engaged in the right Without Burningyourbestatwork,explainsway.Beth. If employees are engaged, Out they feel as though they have aProviding the right set of resourc-stake in the game and a sensees, with reasonable workload ex-Match Talent to Taskof purpose. This allows them topectations, can keep your highly Leaders can set their superstarwant to give their best at work.engaged employees as key mem-sellers up for success by ensur- When they know what they arebers of your team.ing goals and workloads are re- playing for and understand how alistic for each individual. As wetheyplayapart,theyare know in strengths-based coach- willing to put in the effort ing,themoreopportunitiesto achieve success. managers can find to match the righttaskwiththerighttalent on their team, the more success and growth there will be. Create Sustainable Work Practices Establishing workplace norms thatfosteremployee well-beingcangoalong wayinpreventingburn-out. Time boundaries with email,encouragingsingle tasking(insteadofmulti-task-ing),fosteringsocialsupport, encouraging regular breaks from work, and acknowledging extra effort are all ways managers canprovideresourcesfor their team.Does Engagement Lead to Exhaustion? 147'