b'The Top Talent Report isnt only for development. It can also help with recruitment! If theyve not already, give everyone some timeThis exercise will help your team to identify action-to read through their Top Talent Report, ten min- able strategies they can take to maximize their tal-utes or so.ents and improve their performance.Ask everyone to share their five Top Talents withWhen it comes to developing people, the Top Talent thegroup,andhaveonepersonwritethoseReport is a strong tool in your toolbox. It will help down. Ask each person after they read their Topyou get your new hires started off strong and give Talents, if there were any surprises or takeawaysyou, as their coach, a quick reminder of the ways from reading through the report.they can really lean on their strengths.After each person has read through their Top Tal- Bonus Tip: The Top Talent Report isnt only for de-ents, take a moment to compare the groups tal- velopment. It can also help with recruitment! It is a ents as a whole. great carrot to encourage people to take your Tal-Then ask the group to take a few minutes to writeent Assessment and can be sent to them as a thank down how they are going to use their talents to in- you. Even candidates you dont hire will appreciate crease culture and performance within the team. the information and find value in the report as they Have each person share what they wrote withcontinue to search for the right job.the group. Need a Development Tool? Use the Top Talent Report! 87'