b'might exist openly. With a talented team and goodAgain, if it were only so easy to do it well.relationships in place, it is easier for the leader to setTalent Development is challenging work that never challenging expectations for the team to pursue. ends for a leader. It is a daily effort to recruit talent-Reward/Recognitioned people who can make your organization better tomorrowthanitistoday.Itiscontinuallyacting People in all jobs work for rewards and recognition.on the belief that talented people possess a special No matter what they say, everyone wants to be re- aptitude to accomplish more than others and chal-warded through some form of compensation. Somelenging them to grow and get better every day. It is people are just more vocal about it, and some havefanatically looking for resources to provide to your higherexpectationsthanothers.Rewardismoreteammembersthatwillgrowtheirexpertiseand than just salary or commissions. It is a bonus struc- empowerthemtoimprovetheirperformance.It ture that lets people earn more through exceptional accomplishments in their job. It is incentive plans thatinvolves setting clear expectations for what success provide non-cash rewards, like lunch meetings withlooks like and taking the time to hold everyone ac-executive leaders for team members who accomplishcountable for doing their part. It is knowing when to the qualifying tasks. Recognition is about individual- slow down in a hectic world and recognize people izedacknowledgmentofmyaccomplishmentsthatfor the success they are having to help them feel ap-validates me for myself, to my peers, and to my fam- preciated and keep them wanting to do more. And ily/friends.Broadlyspeaking,rewards/recognitionthen waking up tomorrow looking forward to doing will mean different things to different people, but ev- it all over again.eryone wants to be rewarded and recognized for the exceptional work that they do. The best leaders create work environments where talented people can excel. If that is what gets you Fit has always been extremely important and isupinthemorning,excitedaboutbeingaleader, a critical part of the Growth Formula. All differ- then you are on track for a career filled with success ent kinds of people can fit in an organization. but more importantly, a career where you know That is why recruiting for diversity is so importantthat you made a positive impact in the success of as you never know where you will find someonemany other talented people just like you.who fits. When you get that talented person who fits in your organization, and you invest in their growth, the magic happens.InvestmentasapartoftheGrowth Formulaissuchaperfectdescrip-tor for the role of a leader. To help people visualize, strive, and reach their potential requires emotion-al,intellectual,andtimeinvest-mentsfromtheleader.Toget the most out of talented people, you cant just plug them in and let them go. In helping people to be their best, the leader has to be willing to invest all they have make it happen. The joy of see-ing team members grow to reach high levels of success is one of the best rewards a great lead-er can receive. Talent Development in Real Life 97'