b'Employee Learning andDevelopment Can Benefitfrom Technology These ideas are not newin fact, here at The Cen-terforSalesStrategy,wehavebeenfocusedon chunked learning and peer-to-peer instruction even during our in-person workshopsbut their overall adoption and successful integration into all aspects The secret of ofLearningandDevelopmentprogramshasbeen slow. Faced with a crisis and an even greater needchangeis to focus all of for impactful and creative learning, facilitators and learning professionals now realize the importance of your energy varied methods and delivery.there are a few im-When shifting learning online, not on fighting the old, but onportant things to remember. First, a Zoom meeting building the new. is NOT training; simply shifting what was done in a meeting to an online format will not result in the same outcomes, and in fact will probably cause a decrease in learning. Second, technology is there as -Socratesan enhancement, not a distractor. When integrating new technologies and learning methods, use them if and only if they serve an instructional purpose and be sure that the technology does not stand in the way of learning (a good way to stop this is to send a technology pre-assignment so they can try it out and have a level of familiarity before the live ses-sion). The benefits of technology far outweigh the pitfalls and learning curves. Virtual trainings allow us to reach more people in multiple locations without the cost and logistical work, and they allow better peer-to-peerinteractionsasthelearnersinteract with people outside their markets, companies, and environments.Polling,quizzing,andgame-based HOW will they contribute to the overall growth oflearning offer a variety of learning methods and de-the person and the organization? HOW will learnersmocratize the training. We all learn in different ways, demonstrate their learning? WHAT will we measureand by presenting the same content with different to ensure success?methods,weopennewpossibilitiesandlearning breakthroughs to everyone. Create programs with organizational purpose that can be measured, and have a method of continu- Moving forward, these new methods and formats ous outreach built into them. Growth does not hap- should continue to be a part of the learning scene. pen overnight, and true behavior and performanceSure, classroom learning will return, but dont lose changes need a feedback loop to keep everythingsight of the impact these new methods have had. Mix on track. Events happen, pass, and become a dis- the best of the old and new and continue to evolve tant memory. Journeys evolve and bring new les- andreviseprograms.LearningandDevelopment sons and challenges along the way.should always Learn and Developits in our name!Accelerate Your Development Programs by Embracing Change 109'