b'Talent Report if one is available. Stay focused onand acronyms can also be confusing to a new hire, strengths, and if the new hire has been observedso provide them with a cheat sheet to understand demonstrating a strength, share that as well. Keeptheir coworkers conversations.thisconversationpositiveandencouraging.Find out how they like to be managed, rewarded, and4. Understanding the customer theircommunicationstylebyusingtheGrowth Guide or another tool to get to know them. Refer toTo be truly client-driven, your new hire will need this guide when communicating with them to showa customer orientation. The basic premise of the that their preferences are respected. A new hirescustomer orientation involves the new seller mak-leader and work buddy should share their work- ingappointmentswithclientdecision-makersto style and communication styles as well. Based onlearn the business from the clients point of view: the new hires strengths and their work styles andwhy and how they do business with the company. preferences, identify one to three specific strate- Learning the customer viewpoint will help your sell-gies that their leader can commit to doing regular- er to super serve their clients. Develop a list of ques-ly to grow them over time. Share this coaching plantions for the new hire to use during customer ap-with the new hire, along with a commitment to fol- pointments and then ask them to recap what they low it. Aligning a new hires expectations with theirlearned, presenting their takeaways to the team. manager allows for a strong working relationshipCreating a strong Pre-Boarding, Orientation, and from the start and minimizes misunderstandings. Onboarding plan for a new hire can see overwhelm-2. Sharing your expectationsing and time consuming, but it doesnt have to be. Start with a broad outline of each step. What is New hires will perform better when they under- the benefit to my new hire, what is my goal, and stand exactly what is expected of them. Focus onwhatarethestepstogetthatgoal?Onceyou providingclearexpectationsrelatedtoperfor- have created a plan for each of the three parts of mance and metrics. Be clear on the lead indica- onboarding, add in ways to involve the new hire tors being tracked. New hires need to know whatin company culture. From merchandise, to a gift success looks like in their role at each stage, shortbasket, or welcome videos, think about the culture termandlongterm,aswellaswhatexcellencethat is being communicated and how the team will looks like. Discuss success at 30/60/90 days as wellinvolve and include this new hire. Having a plan as for their first year.for onboarding seasoned sellers and another for 3. Understanding the company someone new to the industry can streamline the process even more. HelpthenewhireunderstandwhothecriticalOnce you have a generic outline of each step, now stakeholders are in the company as related to theircomesthefunpart.Personalizethistothenew role on the team. They should also know who thehire.Lookoverthenotesfrominterviewsand informal stakeholders are around the team. Theyconversations as well as their social media. What will need help from a variety of teams to be suc- does the new hire love? What are they passion-cessful,soscheduleappointmentsforthenew hire with key people on other teams who will beate about? Think of ways to include this in the on-able to assist them. Develop a list of questions theboardingprocess.Children,pets,favoritesports new hire should ask of each formal and informalteams, and hobbies can be included in a welcome stakeholder to understand each persons role andbasket and welcome videos. how to collaborate most effectively with them andPast the great resignation is the great onboard-their team. An informal organization chart can being.Preparenowtorecruitateamofwinners, helpful as well. If they need help from another de- start off strong, and see success in 2022 and be-partment,whetherispromotionsorIT,knowingyond.who to approach first can streamline the process andpreventmisunderstandings.IndustryjargonThree Phases of Onboarding 103'