b'success in the job. Then craft a few questions that will help you better fish for those behaviors. For example, if you are recruiting B2B salespeople, you might ask questions like:Who do you know who: Is self-motivated and hungry for growth? Is trustworthy and keeps their promises? Always gets more work done than their coworkers?Pays attention to the details? Has a contagious energy? Has a never-give-up attitude? Onceyouvecollectedalistof names,youcanreachoutand startadialoguewiththem. Sharewiththemyourgoalto build a strong network of talent-edpeoplewhomaybeagood fit for the company in the future and see if they would be willing to connect. Schedule time to get toknowthemandshareabit about your company and keep in contact over time. Build a plan to nurture these relationships, and if appropriate, introduce them to others in the company. The bigger your talent bank, the better!Building that bench of talent Advertising works before you have jobs come open is Another great way to attract topcritical to your business success. talent is with the use of effective advertising. Some organizations, likeTEGNADallasandTEGNAtheydointhecommunityandspecifically appeal to those who Portland,havecreatedstronghow they make a difference, andare likely a good match for the job recruitingvideosthatshineathey give viewers are sense forand a strong fit for their culture. brightspotlightontheirEm- what its like to work there. ployeeValueProposition(EVP).Someleaders,likeTajaGraham These videos point to the workAgoodrecruitmentvideowillat Emmis Indianapolis, enlist theirHow Companies Are Successfully Filling Their Talent Banks27'