b'Change By: John P. KotterIncremental improvement is no longer sufficient in helping organizations navigate the complexity, uncertainty and volatility of todays world. In Change: How Organizations Achieve Hard-to-Imagine Results in Uncertain and Volatile Times, authors explore how to create non-linear, dramatic change in your organization. Youll discover the emerging science of change that teaches us about how to build organizationsfrom businesses to governmentsthat change and adapt rapidly.Culture Renovation By: Kevin OakesInCultureRenovation,thehead oftheworldsleadingHRresearch firmtheInstituteforCorporate Productivity(i4cp)KevinOakes providestangible,tacticalinsights drawnfromarobustdatasetand informed by CEOs and HR leaders at many of the worlds top companies.The Goal YoullfindeverythingyouneedtoBy: Eliyahu Goldrattrebuildyourcorporateculturewith care and expertise The Goal is a business novel thatpreachesasimplebut insightful truth: productivity is Outliers: The Story of Successthe act of bringing a company By: Malcolm Gladwell closer towards its goal. If the companysgoalistomake In this stunning book, Malcolm Gladwell takes usmoney, then we should focus onanintellectualjourneythroughtheworldofonincreasingthroughput, outliersthebestandthebrightest,themostdecreasinginventory,and famousandthemostsuccessful.Heasksthedecreasingoperational question: what makes high-achievers different? expenses.The Leadership Challenge By: Jame Kouzes and Barry PosnerThis new sixth edition has been revised to address current challenges, and includes more international examples and a laser focus on business issues; youll learn how extraordinaryleadersaccomplishextraordinarythings,andhowtodevelopyour leadership skills and style to deliver quality results every time. Books on Our Shelves For Personal and Professional Development 167'