b'SOME OF OUR favorite articles onENGAGEMENTAfter spending time finding, selecting, and developing highly talented people, the last thing you want to do is lose them! Losing an employee is tough on morale, time-consuming for those who must carry the weight, hard on those who need to recruit to fill the gap, and costly to the bottom line.People join a company and they leave a boss. Thats hard to hear, but theres also a silver lining in there. As a manager, you can have an enormously positive impact here!5 Ways to Create Positive Change by Jon GordonBack in Office, Remote Work, and Hybrid WorkplaceTips on Making It WorkBy Beth SunshineThe Hard and Soft Metrics of Engagement by Elissa NaufulHigher Employee Engagement Means Higher RevenueHeres Proofby Deborah FulghumDoes Engagement Lead to Exhaustion by Up Your Culture Engagement SpecialistsCommunication Mistakes That Hurt Employee Engagementby Stephanie DownsEmployee Engagement Is Not About Job Satisfaction or Happinessby Beth Sunshine136 Some of Our Favorite Articles on Engagement'