b"IN THIS ISSUE2021 Talent Superhero AwardsView our list of 2021 Talent Superhero Winners.Facts You Need to KnowFacts you need on Recruitment, Selection, Development, and Engagement to Turn Talent into Performance.Top Trends for 2022Trends youll want to know for the coming year.Across the board, people have paused,Success StoriesSuccess stories to fill you with ideas taking time to think about theirand solutions for finding, hiring, priorities and re-evaluate the trade-offsgrowing, and engaging top talent.theyre willing to make for a paycheck.Sales Superstar StudyThe latest Sales Superstar Studywhere sales managers are finding sales superstars these days.alsobuiltasegmentdedicatedThisTalentMagazinewillshineReducing Expensive to effective onboarding to helpthe spotlight on the part of theTurnoveryougetyournewhiresuptobusiness that is the heart of theHow to reduce regrettable and speedquickly,ensureastrongbusinessyour people. We haveexpensive turnover.start, and improve your new hireworked to deliver the tools and retention. informationyouwillneedtoAdvice from the ExpertsTheEngagementsectionwillbring the right people on boardLearn tips from the experts provide an in-depth look at theon how to succeed and avoid latest data on employee engage- thisyear,coachanddevelopcommon mistakes in the areas them to reach their highest po- of Recruitment, Selection, ment. We will share the key con- tential,andcreateacultureofDevelopment, and Engagement.cepts uncovered with the Engage 2022:CompanyCultureReportengagementwherebothyourSuccessful Onboardingand give you insight you can usepeople and your business thrive!The most current insight to improve culture and increasePlease know that we at The Cen- into onboarding and some employee engagement in a waybest practices from talented that will drive performance andter for Sales Strategy are here toprofessionals.revenueinyourorganization.supportyou.DonthesitatetoOur Talent DashboardYourjourneythroughthissec- reachouttousdirectlytodis-tion will also show you five wayscuss the kind of support you mayTake a peek at what's new in the youcancreatepositivechangeneed! Talent Dashboard.and point you to the Key Perfor- Turning Talent into mance Indicators youll want toPerformancepay attention to this year.How we can help you Turn Talent into Performance. A Letter From the Editor 2022 5"