b'A surprising number of people do not feelas though their opinions matterat work almost 1 in 43. Valued Voiceinnatestrengths,theyarebetterabletocoachThethirdEngagementElevatorisValuedVoice, which encourages strong two-way communication, themtomaximizetheirstrengthsandimprovedemonstrates that an employees input is valuable, performance.Only57%ofthosesurveyeduseand creates an environment where people feel com-atalentassessmenttodeveloptheirpeoplefortable sharing their opinions. When this Elevator whichmeanstherestarelikelynotdevelopingis strong, employees share important information their people to reach their full potential. with their company leaders, who in turn can make Also, people are most effective when they have abetter business decisions. clear understanding of what is expected of themThe survey results show a striking lack of two-way at work. Only 67% of those surveyed say theycommunication.Relatedtoemployeesreceiving know what is expected of them in their job. Notthe information they need to do their job well, only surprisingly, employees who have been with their57% of people could say they feel fully informed companiesforover10yearshavethegreateston the things that relate to their work and more understanding of what is expected of them whilethan half of new employees report lacking the in-10% of newer employees report they are notformation they need to function at their bestclear at all. Asurprisingnumberofpeopledonotfeelas Finally, when employees receive effective feed- though their opinions matter at workalmost 1 in 4. This seems to impact newer employees even back on their performance, they gain confidencemore; 40% of those employed 1-3 years shared andimprove.Whilenearlyhalfoftherespon- they do not feel as though their opinions matter dents have received feedback from their man- When it comes to different departments communi-agerwithinthelastweek,21%havenotre- cating effectively with each other, only 27% of re-ceived feedback for at least 6 months, and 15%spondents believe their interdepartmental com-have not received feedback from their managermunication is strong. The majority, 59%, believe it in more than a yearis good but could be better, and 14% report this is a Seasoned employees reported receiving feedbackproblem. Newer employees more frequently report morefrequentlythanthosewhohaveworkedproblems in this area.there 1-3 years (43% vs. 30%). At Up Your Culture, we find that employees with more experience at4. Earned TrustacompanymayfeelmoreconfidentaskingforFinally,thefourthEngagementElevator,Earned feedbackwhentheyneedit.WealsofindthatTrust, promotes transparency which gives employ-neweremployeeshaveahigherneedformoreees confidence in company decisions and faith in frequent feedback. the integrity of their leaders.132 Engage 2022: Our Biggest Takeaways From the Company Culture Report'